Great Decisions, Save your life.

Protect your mental health.

“Exploring the POWER of your Decisions, helping students make Great Lives”.

Life is automated more everyday, what decisions are being influenced in your day.

-Critical Decisions-




High School Pressures!

Dustan gives into pressure decides to drink and opens the door to a life unknown.

Dustan goes over peer presure and how normal stresses can feel like more than you can handle.




Society Tells Us Its OK!

Dustan Jackson makes a Bad decision losses his job as a FireFighter in a DUI incedent.

Talk about the importance of good decisions. Talk about the pressures society and why they say drinking is ok. We drink at Weddings, BBQ, Vacations, and many other social events. Discuss how be smart in our daily decision when society tells us its ok.




Why Coping Can Be Bad?

Mugged in Mexicowhat to do when your at the end of the road suicide is not an option.

One more drink wont kill you Dustan, It’s ok I promise. Until it almost does. Talk about the dangers of drinking when you use it as a coping mechanism to fix your stress. Show them how to stay away from using this as a proble solver.

-What’s your daily Decisions-

How do you start your day is your phone the first thing you pick up? (is that Negative or positive)

What foods are you eating daily?(Does it affect your clarity in decisions)

What influences you during your day? (Social Media)

Do you let drugs and alcohol in your life? (Do feel these are tough decisions)

How can we make the right decisions, for big changes in our life?(Discuss how to pay attention to the right things.)

What is keeping me from Changing my life, what decisions do I need to make?(where to start when changing my life.)

Thank you to all that supported the story.

Great decisions make Great habits, Great habits make Great lives.